Saturday, June 11, 2011

2011 Spring Tournament - June 6, 2011

Following are pictures of our great day at BraeBen in Mississauga..... and the winners too.......
BraeBen Golf Course - Mississauga

View from BraeBen Golf Course

Spring Low Gross - Kinnear Anniversary Trophy - Judith Kyrinis (73)
Spring Low Gross - Kinnear Anniversary Trophy - 2nd Marg Matthews (in blue)
Spring Low Net-Founders Cassels Trophy - 4th - Beth Richmond

Spring Low Gross-Anniversary Kinner Trophy - 4th - Ivy Steinberg
Spring Low Gross - Kinnear Anniversary Trophy - 3rd - Jackie Rosart
Spring Low Net - Founders Cassels Trophy - 3rd - Karen Rockliff

1st Team - Michele Young, Gaye Males and Nathalie Mercure

2nd Team - Karen Rockliff, Linda Cruickshank and Margot Ritchie (abs)
3rd Team - Daintry Snyder, Patty Fischer and Ginny Parks

5th Team - Eleanor McKergow, Jan Atkinson and Shelagh Wilson (abs)