Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2018 Spring Tournament

It was a glorious spring day (hot, hot hot) for the WIGs Spring Tournament at York Downs Golf and Country Club where 70+ WIGs were raring to go for the 9:00 am shotgun start. 


Closest to the Pins:
     Teri Yamada     -   8 West
     Carla Joyce       -    7 North
     Lesley Fox        -    5 North
     Anne Dunbar    -    4 West

1st Low Gross:    Cathy Welsand       - 78

1st Low Net:        Mary Holzscheiter - 69

1st   -  Anne Dunbar, Cindy Wegg, Gaye Males  -  147

2nd  -  Julie Girard, Cathy Welsand, Lolly Gillen - 148 (Retro)

3rd  -  Carla Mann-O'Callaghan, Lisa Volchoff, Roberta Hamilton -  148

4th  -  Ann Adams, Penny Robinson, Nancy Williams - 149

5th  -  Barb Firman, Ann Toal, Gail Kilgour - 152

6th  -  Cheri Grogan, Sharon Rice, Joan Stone - 152 (Retro)