More History

The Sixties
In 1961, the first “summer-bonus” (a Chapman two ball) tournament was held at Rosedale Golf Club on August 11th. The winners each received a bottle of Seagram s! In 1963 the Annual General Meeting was changed from the Fall field day to a luncheon in March with a bonspiel played beforehand.The sixties were the foundation years. In 1960 the first Two-Day away tournament (held every second year in the fall) was held at The Seigniory Club, in Montebello Quebec. In 1964, the first two-day fall tournament was held in the United States at Lewiston Golf Club in New York State. In the same year, a new informal group, the SWIGs, (Senior Women's Intermediate Golfers) was formed.

The reason for the group’s formation was to retain those WIGs who had resigned at 55. The WIGs and the SWIGS continued to enjoy the summer and the two-day-away tournaments. In the Centennial year (1967) the founders were presented with special pins. The sixties ended with a membership of 74 in the WIGs and of ten in the SWIGs.

The Seventies
In 1972, the SWIGs became an official organization with an executive.  Grace Ellsworth, who in the words of Doonie Hamilton, “had gathered in a small group of senior WIGs”, became the Honorary President.  Doonie Hamilton became the first President. In 1977, Doonie became the first SWIG to be made an Honorary WIG. Kitty Griffin remembers, “Doonie Hamilton set it all up on the same lines as the WIGs and off we went .... There are now many more SWIGs than WIGs, the younger girls being too busy to play much golf.  I personally have had forty years of great golf with these groups, made countless friends and have always had fun.” (Byers pg 65).

It was also decided that a WIG member could defer entry to the SWIGs until her 56th year. WIGs members had to maintain a maximum of a 20 handicap for tournament play, while the SWIGs made an allowance for an escalating handicap. The half-century mark definitely brought bonuses! WIGs over 50 and under 56 could play in both SWIG and WIG tournaments, if they were prepared to play with a maximum of 20-handicap at the WIGs events.

In 1973, "It was decided that as our Honorary Members are slowing down, it would be appropriate on our 15th anniversary to invite the six Founding members to become Honorary Members of the WIGs. They are Allie Cassels, Betty G. Cassels, Grace Ellsworth, Pug Hunter, Mary Kingstone Reed, and Babe Somerville. There being no further business — we topped off our drinks and adjourned." (Minutes January 1973).

The Eighties
Pug Hunter arranged for ten USSWGA (United States Senior Women’s Golf Association) members to play in the WIG-SWIG two-day tournament at Niagara-on-the-Lake in October 1982. Pug Hunter arranged for ten United States Senior Women’s Golf Association (USSWGA) members to play in the WIG-SWIG two-day tournament at Niagara-on-the-Lake in October 1982. The USSWGA must have enjoyed our company! Through Pug, they reciprocated the invitation.  In 1983, ten WIG-SWIGs, who
admitted to being 50, were asked to join the USSWGA in their 58th Senior Women’s Golf Association tournament at Mid-Pines Club Resort at Southern Pines in North Carolina. (Minutes 1983).

Also 1983 was the 25th anniversary of the founding of the WIGs and a gala dinner was held on May 12th at Rosedale Golf Club.  The “International Skirmish” continued the following year when the
SWIGs arranged the two-day fall tournament at Crag Burn Golf Club, East Aurora, Buffalo. This was made possible through Posie and Jack Amell who were out-of-town members at this club, which, previously had been the horse farm of the Goodyear family.  Kay Helleur was made an Honorary member in 1986, for her tremendous contribution to golf over the years and, in particular, her
never-ending enthusiasm and support to the WIGs.

The Nineties
The Nineties and its complexities dictated some profound changes in these two organizations. In September 1994 a combined WIG-SWIG executive meeting was held to discuss the future of the two groups. It was apparent that a conflict of tournament dates and increased competition at all levels had
affected the participation at WIG and SWIG tournaments. As well, more WIGs were “flying up" to SWIGs than new members who were being initiated. A questionnaire was mailed to all WIGs and to the SWIGs who played in WIG tournaments. As a result of the survey a Task Force was created to examine the results and to recommend the necessary changes for the amalgamation of the two groups.

In 1995, at the AGM, the membership voted for the removal of the upper age limit to remain a WIG and for the removal of the limitations on the number of members. Next, a Transition Committee was struck that addressed the concerns of both groups. 1996 was a trial year in which the WIGs and the SWIGs played together in the Spring and Fall tournaments.

Finally, in 1997 the WIGS and SWIGs were merged into one group. This union has ensured the viability and continuation of the WIGs. New committee titles and responsibilities were incorporated into the Constitution.  It took a period of two years, from 1995 to 1997 to adopt these updates.
When finished, a clarified Constitution was in effect. 

In 1994 the tournaments were run by two convenors who were assisted by a newly created tournament information kit. The last summer tournament was in 1995.  

Respectively, in 1991 and in 1996, distinguished golfers, Marlene Stewart Streit and Gayle Borthwick were made honorary members of the WIGs.

Our 40th Anniversary was celebrated in 1998 at Toronto Golf Club in fine style with a shotgun golf event followed by a luncheon. Each member received a WIG engraved letter opener along with the
handbook which was nicknamed “The Blue Book”. This handbook brought together, for the first time, our history, constitution, a summary of trophy winners, and a listing of member-contact information. This extensive undertaking was done by the 1997 president, Carole Kinnear.  Carole chaired for the 40th Anniversary Committee and donated a trophy (40th Anniversary Trophy) for the player who achieved the low gross in the Spring Tournament.

The 21st Century
The executive spent a lot of time evaluating membership qualifications and new categories of membership which had evolved over the years but which had never been incorporated in the constitution and bylaws.  These changes were brought forward to the membership at the 2001 AGM. Four new categories of membership were defined: Honorary, Active, Social and Out-of-Town.  In addition it decided that a new Honorary Member would be elected only if there were fewer than three living Honorary Members.  Furthermore it was proposed that an Active Member could not apply to become a Social Member until she had been an Active Member for 5 years.  Qualification for Out-of-Town Member status was redefined with the requirement that the member must not hold a membership in an Ontario golf club, as well as meet the existing distance requirement.  Also, there was a minor amendment proposed to the clause defining handicap qualification for new members. The proposed amendment would simply require a handicap factor of 17 or less.

At the AGM in May 2001 all the above proposals were passed by the membership.  The WIGs will sadly remember September 11, 2001.We were playing our fall tournament at Woodington Lakes Golf Club at the time the terrorists attacks were happening in the United States. It is one of those
occasions when each of us will be able to recall exactly where we were when we learned of the tragedy.

The two-day tournament was held at Windermere Golf and Country Club on Lake Rosseau and was organized by Delia Dobson and Pat Blachford. The format for our two-day events has a lovely flow: the first day has an afternoon shotgun, cocktail party, and dinner followed by the usual spontaneous or planned entertainment from our closet comedians and singers. The second day - more golf! The golf gods were not kind to us (yet again) for our second round of golf. The temperature dropped and the skies opened. Only the very brave (or very foolish) golfed. Many WIGs renewed friendships and caught up with others’ news in the lounge by the fire and stayed for lunch.

Our two-day was held in the Niagara region at the Legends and Whirlpool Golf Clubs. The golf gods showed up again in bad humour with extremely cold weather and sudden thunderstorms which brought us off the course on the second day.  Once we enjoyed our social time with entertainment after dinner. Meg Piggott regaled us with her standup comedy and Jan Vining later tickled the ivories leading us through a sing-song of old favourites.

In 2004 the WIGS executive decided to survey the membership because attendance at our tournaments had been dwindling. The survey covered other topics of demographics and how best to
communicate with the membership. One of the biggest changes, resulting from the survey, was to start using email to communicate with the membership. We were truly into the 21st century. Further changes resulting from the survey would be rolled out in 2005.

Other revisions took place in 2004. A major review of the constitution was undertaken by Marg Auld and Anne Carter. The trophy policy was revised to reflect the philosophy of maximizing the number of winners by awarding no more than one prize per person.  At the AGM the membership approved the re-assigning of several trophies as a result of the amalgamation of the SWIGs and WIGs. The Liz
Hunter Trophy was reassigned as the Low Net Fall Trophy and the Gail Sheard Trophy was reassigned as the Rookie of the Year Trophy. The Cogan Trophy would be awarded to Low Net for a WIG age 70 and over.

During this time, a very special event occurred. Marlene Stewart-Streit, an honorary WIG, was inducted into the World Golf Hall of Fame in Florida.  Several fellow WIGS travelled to attend her induction ceremony.

Tournament venues in 2004 took place at Whitevale Golf Club just east of Toronto and Highland Golf and Country Club in Burlington.

To curb our dwindling membership, it was decided (for one year only) to remove of the upper age limit (50) for membership. From the survey, there was a strong wish to have shotgun starts. We needed more members. That meant WIGs could enjoy golf and have time to visit with one another before and after the game. The one year amnesty proved to be very successful with an increase of 29 members.

Pug Hunter, a founding member, passed away and left the WIGs a generous in memoriam gift to fund cocktail hour at our two-day tournaments beginning in 2007. This was something she had always
promised to do.

Our spring tournament took us to North Halton in Georgetown and our fall tournament to Grey Silo in Waterloo.  We departed with tradition and held the two-day tournament in August rather than late September, hoping to avoid the inclement weather of past years. This event took place at Black Bear Ridge in Belleville. We did succeed in having improved weather, although overall attendance for the event was about the same as other years. Once again the entertainment was hilarious with Carroll Nicholls-Baker, Barb Moysey and Debbie Court performing skits and a dance routine. Sheila Wilson
sang ‘Summertime’ and the evening finished with Jan Vining at the piano.

Thanks to the fine work of Anita Chamberlain we started our very own BLOG. This site was used to post tournament dates, entries and results as well as pictures and news of our activities.

The executive passed two policies; Trophy Policy and the Medical Leave Policy. Both policies were given to the membership for inclusion in their Blue Books.

The spring and fall tournaments were held at Carlisle Golf Club in Burlington and Whistle Bear in Cambridge.  At our AGM, our permanent name tags were introduced. Delia Dobson spearheaded this project with the help of Barb Cousins. The name tags would be given out at each WIG function and returned at the end of the event. For those of us who have trouble remembering names or putting correct names to faces, these name tags were a great addition.

Our spring and fall tournaments were played at the newly renovated Ladies’ Golf Club of Toronto and Oslerbrook, a brand new course, in Collingwood.  In late September, Gayle Grant and her committee of six organized the fabulous two-day getaway at Viamede Resort in the Kawarthas.
Wildfire Golf Club, a short boat ride away, hosted our two days of golf.  Voted Canadian’s Best New Private Golf Course in 2004, the WIGs will definitely want to revisit this course. At cocktail hour we toasted Pug Hunter for her generous gift to the WIGS. Drinks and hors d’oeuvres were
enjoyed by all. Evening entertainment was at its all time best, featuring our own ‘in-house’ comedians, Barb Moysey and Carroll Nicholls Baker. The weather was amazingly warm for once!!

This is the year of our 50th Anniversary.  Approximately 120 golfers played in the 50th Anniversary Tournament held at Hamilton Golf and Country Club on September 11, 2008. Hamilton was one of
the founding clubs of the WIGs so it was a very appropriate setting. A continental breakfast was followed by golf, cocktails, a lovely lunch and prizes. Highlights of the day included recognition of Kay Helleur and Marion Morris (our two original WIGs), a skit by Kay and Lil Beamish (Remember When) and a WIG trivia questionnaire. In appreciation of allowing us to use their Club, a donation to the Hamilton's Ladies Section was made on behalf of the WIGs.  Each person received a 50th Anniversary ball marker as a reminder of this day.

This was one of the wettest summers on record and both our spring and fall tournaments experienced rain. The spring tournament was held at Piper’s Heath west of Toronto, a lovely link-type course with few trees and lots of fescues. The day started out dry enough but turned cold and wet. Only the hardy golfers managed to finish. The fall tournament was held at Mad River near Stayner. The rain showed up once again but this time it came down so much that we had to cancel the tournament. This is the only year in our history that the aggregate trophies were not awarded. The Mad River Golf Cub staff was so accommodating with our change of plans and rustled up our dinner early making for a fun finish to our day.

On September 21st, 2009, what we believe to be a record 87 WIGs descended upon the Öviinbyrd Golf Club for the first day of golf at the 2009 Two Day. The following day we enjoyed the hospitality of the grand dame of the area at the Muskoka Lakes Golf & Country Club. Clearly, the opportunity to play two such exclusive venues was the drawing card.  Mother Nature co-operated and, although not classic Indian summer weather, we saw neither rain, snow nor lightening!!! We stayed at the historic Clevelands House which was like stepping back in time. The traditional “Pug Party” was held in a private room at Clevelands House.  The cocktails were flowing and we were treated to hors d’oeuvres
prepared by our very own Jodi Cooper. Dinner was followed by awards for the day’s golf and the heartier set retired to the “Pug Room” to continue the festivities and fellowship. After golf the next day, we were treated to a delicious lunch in the waterside dining room at Muskoka Lakes. Once the final prize was awarded, a tired group of WIGs headed home. Good friends, good times.

The year began with a most successful spring event held at the Ladies’ Golf Club of Toronto, always a favorite location for our members.  Arranged by Carroll Nickolls Baker and M.J. Stewart, the day was well attended with a delicious dinner served in the tent of the club.  The Fall Event also had a fine turnout and all members enjoyed the course at Osprey Valley and again the weather cooperated concluding a very successful season.

Our AGM was held at Weston Golf Club in May and we welcomed five new WIGs into our association.  Our two tournaments were held this year at Braeben and Century Pines, both in the west of Toronto. 

The Executive made one change to our Constitution enabling one more member to be considered for honorary membership. As well, there was a fee increase to better enable us to secure good courses for our events.

The two-day gathering happened at The Briars in Jackson’s Point on September 26th and 27th. There were 68 players showing up to test their game, hang out with friends and generally have a fun time.
Cocktails were enjoyed in the Boat House after golf on the first day and the comedy of Catherine Lawrence entertained us at dinner. The weather cooperated again this time which improved our record for these two-day events. At the close of the second day, it was unanimously voted by the group to return to The Briars for a repeat in 2013. Since the committee (Sue Bell, Cathy Butler, Julie Green and Rosemary Salvatore) did such a stellar job they get to do it again.

This was a special year for the WIGs. Once again, we held our AGM at Weston Golf Club in May. Fifteenth new members from nine different clubs were welcomed into our group. The highlight of the evening was the election of a new Honorary Member, Daintry Snyder. Heather Colhoun was pleased to introduce the motion. Daintry, it is safe to say, was very surprised to be nominated and of course, she was unanimously elected.

Our spring tournament was held at Weston Golf Club and in the fall we played at Cutten Fields, two wonderful courses. We last played Weston in 1980, and it was our first visit to Cutten Fields. Our
tournament directors, Joanne Noble and Judith Kyrinis did a fantastic job of organizing and running these tournaments.

We kicked off the 2013 season with our AGM at Islington Golf Club.  Nine new members were welcomed into the WIGs.  We had two wonderful tournaments in 2013 – at The Toronto Golf Club
in the spring and a very rainy Burlington Golf and Country Club in the fall. Once again, Joanne Noble and Judith Kyrinis organized and ran the events with their usual excellence. 

Unfortunately our Two-Day tournament was cancelled, but has been rescheduled for 2014.
Our Blue Book underwent some changes in 2013. It was time to get into the digital age, for ease and timeliness of communication and as a way to reduce costs. Members received an electronic copy of the Blue Book and our Roster via email. A small, printed roster was distributed at the AGM. Thanks to our Historian, Marg Auld for her work on this initiative.

The Committee reviewed its roles and responsibilities in late 2012 and made a few changes. The Corresponding Secretary becomes Membership Director, Recording Secretary is now Secretary and
Tournament Chairman is now Tournament Director. These changes necessitated a revision to our By-Laws.  

Over the past few years, the Committee has had a number of requests to increase the age limit for new members joining the WIGs. Many members have friends who would be “good WIGs”, including an index of 17 or lower, but have passed our age threshold of 55.  The Committee felt this too important an issue to leave to a show of hands at the AGM. Members were asked to complete a form included with their Membership Renewal, asking to indicate their preference towards increasing the age limit from 55 to 65. The membership strongly supported (75%) increasing the age limit for new members to 65, and the By-Laws have been amended accordingly. The Committee trusts that this will help the WIGs to remain a healthy and sustainable organization for many years to come.

We kicked off the 2014 season with our AGM at Weston Golf Club.  Seventeen new members were welcomed into the WIGs.  We had two wonderful tournaments in 2014 – at Wooden Sticks in the
spring and at Markland Woods in the fall. Once again, Joanne Noble and Judith Kyrinis organized and ran the events with their usual excellence. We modified the format for Spring using only a team format of 1 gross and 1 net best ball per 3 person team. It was a great success with everyone having fun and finishing on pace. In the fall, we implemented an individual stableford gross and net competition. This was extremely successful.

Due to the changes in format, we retired 8 of the 10 trophies and these are being housed at Golf Canada with the archives of the association.  Brenda Brown's work with Golf Canada ensures that the history of the Wigs will be preserved within our national organization.  We will continue to award the Founders - Ellesworth trophy for Fall low gross and the Elizabeth Hunter trophy for Fall low net.

The committee surveyed our members in 2014 to discover preferred tournament formats, starting times and other pertinent information to ensuring the continuing strength of the Wigs. In addition to tournament preferences, the Wigs expressed their views on more social and business information within our membership. We are now testing individual pages on our blog describing our members volunteer and commercial enterprises.

The Committee experimented with not having a recording Secretary. It was decided that the Past President would perform those duties in her year and that the Vice President would do so in the following year. At the end of the two year trial, the appropriate by-law will be drafted for membership approval.

The AGM at St. Georges was well attended. Seventeen new members were welcomed into the Wigs.
We had two great tournaments in 2015. Our new Tournament Directors Terri Bulger and Carla Mann O Callaghan did a fantastic job. In the spring, we played Thornhill , continuing our team only format. Everyone had a great time. Although there was a significant wait list, virtually everyone was able to play as there were many cancellations due to the “cooler “temperatures. In the fall, we played Mad River and once again, Terri and Carla were amazing as they juggled the draw with last minute changes. Our stableford format is awesome. Everyone is having more fun and less stress.
Noteworthy Accomplishments.  Judith Allan Kyrinis finished 2nd at the Canadian Womens Senior
Debbie Court finished Tied 2nd at the Ontario Senior women's amateur.
In Memoriam:
Joann Johnston passed away in 2015. She had been a Wig since 1981 and embodied the spirit of our association.

We kicked off 2016 with our AGM at Summit Golf Club. 77 members were in attendance and we introduced 11 new members. Two of our honorary members attended the meeting: Daintry Snyder and Marlene Stewart Street.  Our spring tournament was held at Cederbrae Golf Club. Format – 3 -
person team format of 1 gross and 1 net best ball. Winners – Marion Reid, Darice Lush, Mary Holzscheiter.  Our fall tournament was held at The Club at North Halton.  Format – Individual Stableford gross and net. Winners – Founders Gross Trophy (Ellesworth) - Julie Green Elizabeth (Pug) Hunter Cup for low net – Darlene Polyschuk.

2016 was a year for the 2-day tournament. Marion Reid, Janelle Fairgrieve and their team did a fantastic job of organizing the event. It was held at Bristol Harbour Golf Club, Rochester, New York. Despite a rainy 2nd day they were able to play 9 holes and everyone was happy.  You can imagine how much fun everyone had when one of the formats was called “40 Balls.”

By-Law Change – There were several minor changes made to the by-laws to reflect changing executive titles and roles and a few wording clarifications. Significantly, we removed the Secretary position from the executive. The Vice-President, the President and the Past President will

fill the role going forward.  

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