Monday, September 24, 2012

2012 Fall Tournament Pics

Pam Kilmer and Sue Chesney

Jodi Cooper and Sandy Shaw

Gale Sheard Trophy - Rookie of the Year, Aggregate Low Net: Diane Regan

Joanne Noble and Judith Kyrinis with Kelly Koselak, Fall Tournament Low Gross of the Field - 79
Lori Madill, Winner of the Mini Cup, Aggregate Low Gross 10-14 Handicap

Kelly Koselak, Fall Tournament, Low Gross of the Field - 79 
Joanne Noble and Judith Kyrinis, Winner of the Cassels Trophy, Aggregate Low Gross -154 
Linda Cruickshank, Winner of the Somerville Trophy, Aggregate Low Net -144 
Pam Kilmer, Winner of the Bongard Trophy, Aggregate Low Gross, 15-20 Handicap -180 
Marion Chapman, Winner of the Cogan Trophy, Aggregate Low Net (70+) -148 

Marg Matthews, Fall Tournament, 2nd Low Gross of the Field - 80

Marion Chapman, Fall Tournament, Low Net of the Field - 69

Linda Cruickshank, Fall Tournament, 2nd Low Net of the Field - 71

Lindy Williams, Fall Tournament, 3rd Low Net of the Field - 72

Judith Kyrinis and Sue Chippendale, Closest to the Pin #11

Joanne Noble and Ivy Steinberg, Fall Tournament, 3rd Low Gross of the Field - 82

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2012 Spring Tournament Pics!

Winner - Judith Kyrinis
Weston's 300 Year Old Bur Oak tree
1st Team:  Kathi Tedford, Sharon Miller and Louise Robitaille

2nd Team:  Pam Kilmer, Rosalind Martin, Dianne Reagan 

3rd Team:  Carolyn Smith, Marion Chapman, Michele Young

2nd Low Gross:  Carolyn Smith

3rd Low Net:  Carroll Baker

1st Low Net:  Pam Kilmer

2nd Low Net:  Lori Madill

3rd Low Gross:  Carolyn Agnew



Saturday, May 19, 2012

2012 AGM

Introducing the 2012 New WIGs

2012 New Wigs

In no particular order:

Laurie MacLachlon sponsored by Marilyn Blair; Samantha Lloyd sponsored by Ginny Marshall; Diane Regan sponsored by Carolyn Smith; Carole Boivin sponsored by Barbara Hackett; Nancy Williams sponsored by Jackie Rosart; Josee Hammill sponsored by Jill Thompson; Roberta Hamilton sponsored by Linda Samuel; Louise Robitaille sponsored by Maggie Cooper; Leslie Walsh sponsored by Joann Johnston; Sue Chippendale sponsored by Ivy Steinberg; Susan Armstrong sponsored by Diane Higgins; Judy McKay sponsored by Noreen McKay; Shelley Dunn sponsored by Catherine Butler; Melinda Harrison sponsored by Brenda Brown; Kathleen Moore sponsored by Daintry Snyder
Heather Colhoun
Heather Colhoun introducing Daintry Snyder
Tournament Co-Chair, Joanne Noble
2012 President, Brenda Brown

 More pictures of the 2012 New WIGs: