Wednesday, October 1, 2014

2014 Two-Day

Thanks to Debbie Court for the video:

Georgian Bay Club provided a beautiful background for our WIGS two-day.  It has really huge greens and bunkers, but no one was complaining because the weather cooperated with a spectacular fall day on Monday and no rain on Tuesday.  Thanks to the committee - Cathy, Dani, Julie, Rosemary, and Sue for two great days.

Monday, August 25, 2014

2014 Fall Tournament Pictures

(not very good pictures at that, sorry)!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014 Spring Tournament Pics

Held at Wooden Sticks in Uxbridge on Monday, June 2, 2014

Registration table volunteer, Marion Reid

Two-thirds of the 4th place team of Ivy Steinberg, Marilyn Blair and Barbara Stymiest

Third place team Darlene Polyschuk, Karen Deluce and Jan Atkinson

First place team of Cindy Jonescu, Penny Robinson, Kathy Pilkey and Anita Chamberlain

Honorary members Marlene Streit and Kay Helleur catching up during lunch. 
The 17th at Wooden Sticks! Jan Atkinson and Karen Deluce both made their birdies but Marion Reid's was closer!