Tuesday, September 25, 2018

2018 Fall Tournament

2018 Fall Tournament - Summit - Monday, September 17th




Saturday, August 18, 2018

Ontario Golf Wall of Fame

Each year at Provincial Championships or other significant events, Golf Ontario takes the opportunity to celebrate individuals accomplishments within the local community and their commitment to the betterment of the sport of golf.

During this summer of 2018 two WIGs members were recognized:

Rosemary Salvatore, long time member and many times club champion at Markland Wood.  Rosemary was presented her award at the Seniors Women's Championship held at Markland Wood.  

Jeanne Beaith, long time member and many times club champion at Dalewood.  Jeanne was presented her award at the Seniors Men's Championship for making her mark on game as both a player and a volunteer.

For more information can be found at Golf Ontario Wall of Recognition - sadly, not regularly updated!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

2018 Spring Tournament

It was a glorious spring day (hot, hot hot) for the WIGs Spring Tournament at York Downs Golf and Country Club where 70+ WIGs were raring to go for the 9:00 am shotgun start. 


Closest to the Pins:
     Teri Yamada     -   8 West
     Carla Joyce       -    7 North
     Lesley Fox        -    5 North
     Anne Dunbar    -    4 West

1st Low Gross:    Cathy Welsand       - 78

1st Low Net:        Mary Holzscheiter - 69

1st   -  Anne Dunbar, Cindy Wegg, Gaye Males  -  147

2nd  -  Julie Girard, Cathy Welsand, Lolly Gillen - 148 (Retro)

3rd  -  Carla Mann-O'Callaghan, Lisa Volchoff, Roberta Hamilton -  148

4th  -  Ann Adams, Penny Robinson, Nancy Williams - 149

5th  -  Barb Firman, Ann Toal, Gail Kilgour - 152

6th  -  Cheri Grogan, Sharon Rice, Joan Stone - 152 (Retro)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

2018 New Members

Cheri Grogan - Muskoka Lakes

Joan Murray - Trafalgar Golf and Country Club

Cindy Wegg - Twenty Valley

Debbie Hajekerou - Weston Golf and Country Club

Ann Adams - Beverly Golf and Country Club

2018 WIGs Executive

L-R: Deb Court, Christie Acker, Susan Bell, Kathie Houghton, Rosemary Salvatore, Julie Green

Past Presidents, Susan Bell and Ivy Steinberg